
Common knowledge of agricultural machinery safety


Common knowledge of safe operation for agricultural machinery drivers

1. Not driving sick vehicles or operating sick tractors is an extremely important factor in the safety of agricultural machinery production, which is easily overlooked by drivers and the majority of machine owners.

2. Do not drive tractors illegally. Most agricultural machinery accidents are caused by illegal driving.

3. Driving a tractor without a license is not allowed. The driving license is a proof of the driver's legal driving qualification obtained through training and passing the assessment. People without a license often lack driving experience, feel anxious when encountering dangerous situations, and make incorrect judgments, which can lead to agricultural machinery accidents.

4. Trailers are strictly prohibited from carrying people and mixed loads of passengers and cargo. Tractors are used in agricultural production

Tools, unlike other motor vehicles, have a design structure that is not suitable for carrying people. Mixed passenger and freight loads are more prone to accidents. In case of emergency braking during driving, the goods continue to move forward under the action of inertia, which can easily crush people or even kill them. In addition, when people sit on goods, they are prone to being knocked down when encountering potholes, and sometimes the goods can push people down, causing too many deaths or serious injuries.

5. It is strictly prohibited to drive under the influence of alcohol. Under normal driving conditions, the driver's reaction time is 0.6-0.9 seconds, while the reaction time after drinking is 1.5-2.0 seconds. In other words, drinking not only reduces reaction time, but also loses adaptability.

6. Pay attention to driving safety in blind spots. When driving through blind spots, drivers should slow down and be prepared to take emergency measures to prevent accidents.

7. Safety precautions for driving at night. To ensure the safety of driving at night, it is necessary to: (1) comply with relevant regulations and do not drive at night without or with incomplete lighting. (2) When driving near intersections at night, you should slow down, turn off high beams, turn on low beams, and turn on turn signals when turning.

Operating Procedures for Tractor Field Operations

1. Drivers must undergo technical training at agricultural machinery training schools and obtain a driver's license for large and medium-sized tractors; Tractors must obtain a driving license and license plate.

2. Drivers should strictly carry out inspections and maintenance work before and after driving. Tractors must maintain normal technical conditions to avoid "three leaks" (air, oil, and water).

Before starting, it is necessary to check whether the cooling water of the engine is sufficient, whether the external bolts of the locomotive running system are tightened, whether the gear lever is in the neutral position, and whether the hydraulic lifting handle is placed in the lower position.

When working in the field, people should not leave the vehicle, stick to their work positions, and it is prohibited to jump up or down. The agricultural tools are securely attached, and turning is not allowed until all the tools are fully lifted. Reverse operation is strictly prohibited. When a locomotive needs temporary maintenance, adjustment, repair, or removal of tangled grass, it must be stopped and turned off.

5. When parking, the gear lever should be placed in neutral and prolonged clutch disengagement is prohibited. Before the engine is turned off, the driver must not stay away from the locomotive.

When a locomotive passes through fields or ditches, it should first level the slope or dig out a gap, and pass at low speed. Once the locomotive is stuck, do not increase the throttle and rush. Dig out the floating mud around the locomotive and the ground, fill it with straw, wooden boards, and other materials, and pull it out using low-speed or other vehicle traction methods.

Safety Production Operating Procedures for Threshing Operations

1. Before homework: Carefully inspect, adjust, and oil all parts of the machinery, and add protective devices around the transmission belt.

2. During homework: Non operators are not allowed to approach machinery; Do not use open flames; Smoking is not allowed; Do not wear oversized clothes or pants; Do not use hands or wooden sticks to feed the straw into the machine; Do not inspect, adjust, inject oil, or troubleshoot; Do not feed stones or iron tools into the drum.

3. After homework: Clean the machinery in a timely manner, remove debris, and perform maintenance and upkeep. "Safety first" is a safety production policy that China has always adhered to. Agricultural machinery is a means of labor in agricultural production. In the situation where the use of machinery continues to increase, agricultural transportation is tense and busy, and the operating area of agricultural machinery continues to expand, safety is particularly important. We hope that agricultural machinery operators attach great importance to the safety of agricultural machinery production, learn more about and master agricultural machinery safety knowledge, to ensure that no accidents occur in agricultural machinery production.

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